I’m not sure how I feel about vaccines, do you have any information?
It is always important to be informed about your medical decisions. Please be sure that when you are researching online, you be aware of what resources you are using to get your information. Simply “googling” vaccines will result in a plethera of both reliable and highly misinformed resources, so we have a few recommendations:
Immunization Action Coalition
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services
My child received all of their shots as an infant- do they need more now that they are older?
Yes! Vaccines are not just for infants, they are very important to help your child and adolescent grow into a healthy teen and young adult.
I have a lot to keep up with- is there an easier way to keep track of my child’s immunization records?
Health4Chicago automatically enters every vaccinated individual into the Illinois Department of Public Health’s state immunization registry. This registry is called ICARE and allows healthcare providers in the state of Illinois to have access to your child’s immunization record. So, if you happen to loose this data, your healthcare provider will be able to look it up in the future. You may opt out of this service.
What do I do if my child or myself experiences an adverse reaction after receiving a vaccination at school?
If you are having a serious reaction, please visit the nearest emergency room and call your primary care provider. For questions about potential reactions you are seeing, please call our pediatric nurse practitioner Jennifer Burns at 773.845.1576. To report an adverse event to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please click here.
Vaccination Schedules:
Schedule 0-6 years / Espanol 0 – 6
Schedule 7-18 years / Espanol 7 – 18 years
Schedule Adults